
  • Air Racing Series

    Scale models kits of air racing aircraft in special of twenties and thirties

  • Golden Age Series

    Scale model kits of civilian and military aircraft of the era called Golden Age of the Aviation, this is between the two world wars, however many of them was flew during the post WWII

  • Spanish Civil War Series

    This series of scale aircraft kits, is devoted to know through the modeling the airplanes of the Spanish Civil War, many of them ex-civilian airplanes now militarized, due to the lack of existing aircraft during that time, This made the aviation of both sides contenders to very heterogeneous, and interesting for modeling and the followers of the SCW aviation

  • 3D Printed Kits

    The Golden Age Series airplanes kits offered now  at 1/48 3D printed.

  • Accessories

    Accessories for aircraft models in any scale from floats to skis, and others.

  • Clean Series

    All the kits of Golden Age Series only with the pieces, to make your own version

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