The Pobjoy R is a British seven-cylinder, radial, air-cooled, aircraft engine designed and built by Pobjoy Airmotors. Introduced in 1926 it was a popular engine for ultralight and small aircraft in the 1930s. A notable feature of the Pobjoy R was the propeller reduction gear which allowed the small engine to operate at more desirable higher speeds.
Users: British Aircraft Swallow, Comper Kite, Comper Swift, Cosmopolitan Light Plane, Couzinet 101, Farman F.239, Fauvel AV.10, Fieseler F 3, General Aircraft Monospar, Hendy Hobo, Kay Gyroplane, Landgraf H-2, Letov Š-139, Lippisch Delta IV, Miles Satyr, Nicholas-Beazley Pobjoy Special, Nozawa X-I, Pander Multipro, Přikryl-Blecha PB-5 Racek, Savoia-Marchetti SM.80bis, Short Scion, Short Scion Senior, Spartan Clipper, Swanson-Fahlin SF-1.
1/72 Scale model 3D printed of an aero engine.
The Siemens-Halske Sh 14 was a seven-cylinder air-cooled radial engine for aircraft produced in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s. It was renamed Bramo 314 when construction was commissioned to Bramo
and BMW-Bramo Sh-14 when BMW absorbed Bramo.
Users: Albatros L 82, Ambrosini SAI.3, Ambrosini SAI.10, BFW M.23, BFW M.29, BFW M.35, Blohm & Voss Ha 135, Bücker Bü 133C Jungmeister, Command-Aire 3C3-BT, Doblhoff WNF 342, Flettner Fl 185, Flettner Fl 265, Flettner Fl 282, Focke-Wulf C.20, Focke-Wulf C.30 Heuschrecke, Focke-Wulf Fw 44, Focke-Wulf Fw 61, Heinkel He 72, Klemm. Kl-32, LWD Szpak, LWD Zuch, Nuri Demirağ Nu D.38, Prudden XM-1, Prudden TM-1, RWD-17W, Rogozarski SIM-VIII, Rogozarski SIM-XI, SIM-II, VL Viima
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